late mother's day present

This morning I went to mail this envelope, inside was 2 music CD for my mom.

The post office lady hesitated, I thought I know why, after 5 seconds or so she ask if I drew those things and for whom was it made? I didn't feel like talking too much, so I nodded my head slightly. Obviously she wasn't satisfied with my answer, she looked into my eyes and tried to say more....I quickly said I only helped to send it and left with the receipt in my hand.

In fact, I spent almost an hour cutting those figures because I needed something to cover the upper left corner. I pasted the green paper first, and a pink recycled piece as mountain shape, after that I was stuck. I practiced some kirigami to wait for the next idea. Finally there were 2 cats out of one folded paper. And here came the most interesting part, the mountain shape looked like cat paw instead after the final arrangement.

That's why I loved paper cutting so! Full of accidents and surprises!


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